Monday 11 March 2013

Ron Van Dyke – Connecting With Those Sharing The OPPT Vision

Ron Van Dyke – Connecting With Those Sharing The OPPT Vision – 11 March 2013

Uploaded  on 11 March 2013 by Ron Van Dyke I got to spend 3 1/2 hours+ yesterday afternoon/evening with three amazing visionary ladies in Orlando. It was our first meeting, and we talked about many things: problems and solutions. That’s what needs to happen all over the planet. People need to get together to share our humanity and our Divinity, our story and our vision of a better world, one, as I like to say, that works for everyone. With all the nay-sayers coming out and attacking, accusing and focusing on what they see as wrong with the OPPT, it’s more important than ever for those of us that “get this” visionary plan to strenghten each other and build excitement to counteract the fear. Don’t get me wrong: we all have our fear issues, and I’m not suggesting denial. I am recognizing the importance for me and all of us to stay as focused as possible on what we can do rather than what we may see as limitations. We are co-creating tomorrow’s world today, right now. It’s up to us to connect within and with others.