Thursday 7 March 2013

Ron Van Dyke – Creating From Love Or Fear, Truth Or Wishful Thinking

Ron Van Dyke – Creating From Love Or Fear, Truth Or Wishful Thinking – 7 March 2013
Uploaded on 7 March 2013 by Ron Van Dyke Peter van Runt’s videos about the OPPT and co-creation have blessed me and produced a good deal of introspection. This was especially true in the video he made yesterday dealing with creating from a place of fear. His message is common to me, having been in the new thought community for so long. Basically, the thought is that if we create from fear, we get what we fear. Intellectually, I get it. Spiritually and emotionally, I see a problem. I am experiencing myself as a human being living on a planet that has long been immersed in fear. With my belief system that fear is an enemy, I have spent more than a little time beating myself up for feeling afraid or denying that I was even feeling fear. When I do either, I am living in fear. When I tell the truth about what I am feeling, I move from fear to love, even though it is fear that I’m feeling. Love and truth go together. Trying to not feel fear in this world is wishful thinking.