Saturday 9 March 2013

A few days ago .......

A few days ago I sat quietly with a tree on the edge of a dry creek bed, intending to meditate with the nature around me, & in particular to connect with the tree.
I sat in meditative pose for a while, but at some point felt to open my eyes & connect more visually with that which was around me… the trees, the dry grass, the rocks, the insects.
I was drawn to a piece of quartz that was within my easy reach, half buried in the dirt. It was relatively flat, so I placed it between my palms & held it to my chest for some time in a meditative way with the intent to connect with it. Then I lowered my hands & continued in meditation, holding it in my hands.
When I came out of the meditation I looked at this piece of quartz for the first time really, having previously just been drawn to pick it up & close my hands around it.
It is so clearly shaped like a love heart!
I have carried it with me these last few days, as a poignant reminder that Eternal Hearts are Everywhere.
Grant Horsfall
Adelaide, South Australia