Saturday 9 February 2013

OPPT Questions From the People

OPPT Questions From the People - from Hope Girl

The OPPT documents that were disclosed on December 25th have swept across the land like wildfire. It has become a grassroots movement taken on by hundreds of thousands of people across the world (soon to be millions) who all want the same thing; They want freedom from the old enslavement system and a choice to live their lives according to their own free will.
Perhaps the most valuable asset of the entire OPPT movement is its ability to unite and mobilize the people. When dealing with overcoming old systems of power, it is through the power of the people that we can accomplish this.
Shortly after releasing the Fix the World Business Plan 
(editor's note: Here is the PDF:FIX THE WORLD BUSINESS PLAN ) 
I began to dive into learning more about this OPPT movement. As part of my own personal role, I wrote a Primer to help explain the OPPT in laymen’s terms. This Primer is not yet published as it is awaiting further edits and additions from members of the OPPT-IN team.
In the process of my research I found myself flooded with emails, Skypes and phone calls from people all over the world. All with pressing questions and concerns that I am still looking for answers to myself. The thought of true freedom is so enticing for all of us, and I fully support and believe in the message of freedom and self-empowerment that the OPPT movement has brought to our attention. As always I plan to take a balanced viewpoint on covering this information wherever possible. My goal is to present the information to you with the best of my understanding and give you the data you need to come to your own conclusions. HopeGirl and the Fix the World Organization will always be putting the people and the planet at the forefront of our hearts and minds.
So, in the spirit of transparency I wanted to pose some of the questions that have come up from the people themselves here on this blog post and allow everyone to comment on them. Especially if any of you have the answers to these questions, hopefully we can all help each other out here. These questions do not come from me directly and I have kept the authors of these questions non-disclosed for the protection and privacy of the individuals that have asked them. What I can tell you is that they come from a wide variety of people, some in “high places” and others who work hard like the rest of us just to get by.
1)Why can’t I find the UCC filings from OPPT on the UCC site? The only UCC filings from the OPPT I can find are on the OPPT site. If I can’t find them on the UCC site, how do I know that they are legitimate? Could they have been blocked by the UCC site? And who actually runs the day to day operations of the UCC? (note this video with instructions on how to find the UCC filing was put out by Caleb, one of the OPPT trustees… please note that Caleb has a very “direct” personality
2)Who’s going to enforce this on my behalf and protect me from being harmed? The judges are doing whatever they want anyway and what if standing up to them with these UCC filings make the judges very angry and I end up thrown in Jail or lose my home?
3)If the trustees reallocated all the money in the world to the people on the behalf of all the people, then where is the money (gold, silver) now and why have they not released it to the people who are in desperate need for money to survive?
4)What exactly is a CVAC, how do I know that its real, and how do I know that the OPPT funds are really there?
5)If all of this has been done on behalf of all of the people of the planet, then why is it not communicated in a way that the people can understand? What about those that don’t have the time or the ability to do hours of research or read legalese?
6)What if the old grandmother who doesn’t use the internet gets this information from her granddaughter whom she trusts, and then files these UCC filings and ends up flagging herself to the system, gets cut off from the system, does not have anything else to replace this assistance and can no longer get her medications. What if she dies from this? Who’s going to take responsibility?
7)If all of this is already done then why and how is everything still running? If we’ve taken over the system, then why are the banks still operating as usual and why haven’t we already switched the coding in the banks to implement this?
8)If the cabal no longer has control of the media and the internet, why have these filings been forbidden to be disclosed on main stream media by the political authorities, but not censored from the internet? Why haven’t the sites been taken down?
These are just a few questions that have been posed. I feel that it’s important that we all help each other find the answers. I look forward to hearing what any of you may have to offer to this discussion in the comments below.
As for me, while I await the completion of the Primer, I will continue to bring the Fix the World Organization forward. As this was created for the people and by the people, the business plan belongs to the people and it can change and adapt to the needs of the people. Our main goal is and always will be to find something that actually works in the end and brings the changes the people need into manifestation. For this reason I am excited to say that I think we’ve found a way to bring the people what they need that does not rely on one single thing. The plan will work with or without a new system, with or without the release of prosperity packages or currency revaluation. It is the bridge, it is the definition of our transition period we must go through to get to the new paradigm, and it is here now through countless hours of hard work and relationship building. Stay tuned, much more to come to you on this soon as we get the website up and running for all of you to submit your resumes, project ideas and input.
Forever in Service to all of you my beloved humanity,
-Your Hope