Amazing Machine Allows You To Create Real Objects With Your Mind!
As Heather said recently, all this technology has been reverse engineered from YOUR DNA. You are Eternal Essence- every BE’ing in the Universe- You can do this already. We BE and so we DO. So DO what you BE!!
“The team’s goal is to make as many exhibitions as possible in a number of places.
“Each child is going to dream up very different creatures to represent their region.
“We intend to mount an exhibition showcasing these children, their schools, the places where they live and the fantastical creatures they build.”
But it would seem that the creators of this machine have missed the point. Why create monsters? Why not create gardens with fruits and vegetables to feed the poor? Springs of water to bubble up from the desert sands? Clean water from the polluted sludge wrought by man? This machine is but a quantum jumping pad into creation without technology.
YOU are the “machine”. Create the Paradise you want.
"When I was a child I used to dream of a machine that would allow you to think of an object and it would simply appear, ready made, in front of you. In 2013 we were selected for a prestigious grant by the Government of Chile to build a machine to do just that, a machine that will allow you to create real objects with your mind, " says Bryan Salt, one of the Thinker Thing members.
It almost sounds like magic, doesn't it? Actually, it is so simple that even a child can do it, says a group of innovative scientists who are now in the process of creating this amazing machine.
Bryan has worked on the cutting edge of technology for the last 25 years and he is best known for his ability to develop innovative approaches to push technology beyond what is considered possible.
"At Thinker Thing we are building a new type of process that requires no technical know how and that anyone can use, young or old. We are building a machine that can grow a model, using your mind, "explains Bryan Salt.
How is that even possible?
"We create a DNA seed that defines the start point in an evolutionary chain for the object. Dinosaurs are very diverse, for example, but they can be traced back to a single common dna ancestor.
We create this first DNA definition as the first building block from which all future objects evolve.
The DNA of the object is then mutated over each generation, and how well that new mutations does, whether it lives or dies, is determined by the mind.
We detect the brain patterns of the user using an epoc neural headset and use that to to understand their emotional response to certain features in visual stimulus based on our evolution system. We can then determine the underlying DNA features that evoke responses and use that in a natural selection process to refine the next generation of objects.
In this way, over a short period, the user grows a model using their mind, " explains Bryan Salt.
The Thinker Thing team says the first of these machines, the "Monster Dreamer", is a machine that will build fantastical creatures with your mind. Its construction has been fully funded by the Chilean government and development is on target, with several milestones already achieved.
On completion of the Monster Dreamer, the first people in the world to create objects with their mind will be children from the regional schools of Chile.
Each Thinker Thing will be visiting over 8 regions of Chile, from the driest desert in the world to the end of the world in patagonia, inspiring and teaching complex scientific, art and engineering principles to very young children in remote rural regions via this engaging and fascinating project.
The team's goal is to make as many exhibitions as possible in a number of places.
"Each child is going to dream up very different creatures to represent their region.
"We intend to mount an exhibition showcasing these children, their schools, the places where they live and the fantastical creatures they build.
You can learn more about the project and the team's campaign here.