Courtesy Notice Invoice Diagram
Courtesy Notice FAQ
This document answers the most frequently asked questionsaddressed to foropaq@gmail – concerning the Courtesy Notice that points toThe Declaration of Facts
UCC filed by the One People Public Trust OPPT
Reference Links at bottom of document
What is the OPPT – Iʼm new to this?
In brief: The One Peopleʼs Public Trust put it to the worldʼs banks and Corporate Governments that nothing stood between theCreator and each of the Creators creations, and gave due opportunity to rebut that statement.
They could not and did not. To do so would have admitted that they operated slavery systems. Default notice was filed, The worlds banks were foreclosed and all cooperate government charters were cancelled. Slavery systems were abolished. See Declaration of Facts at http:// UCC Filings 2-012 pt II. Please read all 12 pages of this most important document.
The freeman and straw-men movements were made redundant, most web and blog sites dealing with those topics rendered historical and of no further value.Most banks and alleged government have not got the memo yet and so continue their fraudulent operations. Currently we are passing through a transition period unlike anything in world history.Please study all the information in the links at the bottom of this document until you grasp the fullness of OPPT and use of Courtesy Notices. See also …. I have grave concerns about OPPT later in this document.
What is a Courtesy Notice? – Iʼm new to this?
A Courtesy Notice (CN) is an offer to contract, sent by you to an individual in a bank or government. It is sent in response to a letter of demand, a threat of action, a summons, or other unlawful demand, detention or arrest – some tangible thing that is causing you harm.
The Courtesy Notice first alerts that person to the foreclosure of their bank or government, resulting from filings by the OPPT.
Secondly it informs that person that they act in full personal liability henceforth.
Third, it offers that individual a choice; to do nothing, or to continue the action as though nothing had changed. Please understand that this choice is not offered to the foreclosed bank of government, but solely to the individual who still believes that entity (his/her employer) has the authority to continue the harmful action against you.
That individual is named as “the Respondent” on the CN, which is addressed by that individuals name c/- of the [alleged]Corporate Name, [alleged] Bank or [alleged] Company You are identified as the “Proponent”The Courtesy Notice IS NOT A NOTICE OF DEMAND. To do so would be the equivalent of YOU operating a “slavery System” -which is exactly what the courtesy notice exposes as “foreclosed”The CN does “order” that the action against you (by the entity) be CEASED AND DESISTED, but also offers terms and conditions that will apply if the action is continued by the Respondent (individual)Accordingly the CN is an offer of contract – based on your terms and conditions. The respondent may choose to accept or decline.