02/25/2013 Santos deals with the subject of Reclaiming Dominion. Breaking the fictions of Law, Religion and Science. This weeks special guests were Rena Iliades and Ann Bressington.
- Victorian Melton Council Corruption
- Oppt Discussion
Ann Bressington (Australian politician) says she has put the OPPT stuff past a retired corporate lawyer in Australia and he confirms the OPPT UCC FILINGS have legs, the question is whether the people will enforce it! (Courtesy Notices and invoices people! NOW).
Also she says in the courts there are two sets of rules going on: the judicial run on UCC and lawyers run on statutes - hence why the people do not find remedy.
Click on the link below to listen to the archived show:
The link again to save you finding the youtube in the posts!
Ann Bressington exposes ageda 21