Something Marvelous Is Happening Now!
“The mood of the wish fulfilled is the high tide which lifts us easily off the bar of the senses where we usually lie stranded.” Something marvelous can happen to you right now! Find out how!
~ Neville Goddard
Recently I encountered a story so uplifting I wanted to share it. We all go through periods where we feel down or even depressed. During one such period where I was quite desperate for relief, I came across a very inspiring story in the book The Law and the Promise by Neville Goddard.
During this period the friend had become very wealthy and wanted to share it with this lady. For the next 2 years she received generous monthly checks. At the end of this story the lady was going to the lawyers office to sign papers to receive these checks for the rest of her life. Her powerful imagination and enthusiastic attitude brought her great security. My challenge to you is to try this exercise or a version you like of it.
One of the benefits of this exercise is that it keeps us right in the here and now where all our power is. All the masters have taught in one form or another that our power is in the now. The past is over and the future is an illusion. We are creating the future as we go and ultimately want to leave it to our divine energy and relax and enjoy the moment. Regret over the past and fear of the future is where our anxiety and unhappiness comes from. As we embrace the now and learn to look for things to feel good about in the moment we learn to cultivate our joy, peace and well-being. Meditation is another wonderful tool for this, when we quiet our minds and get still and know “I AM”, we come back into our connection to the Divine Mind and all things begin to make sense and flow.
Enjoy the video below as a guide and to give you ideas. I know something marvelous is happening right now for you.
Kim Caldwell
author of Activate Your Abundance Book and the Abundance Meditations
author of Activate Your Abundance Book and the Abundance Meditations